depend upon / dɪˈpɛnd /


depend upon 的定义

v. 无主动词 verb
  1. to rely; place trust: You may depend on the accuracy of the report.
  2. to rely for support, maintenance, help, etc.: Children depend on their parents.
  3. to be conditioned or contingent: His success here depends upon effort and ability.
  4. to be undetermined or pending: I may go to Europe or I may not, it all depends.
  5. Grammar. to be subordinate to another linguistic form in the same construction; to form a part of a construction other than the head.
  6. to hang down; be suspended: The chandelier depends from the ceiling of the ballroom.

depend upon 近义词

depend upon

等同于 require

depend upon 的近义词 9
depend upon 的反义词 3
depend upon

等同于 commit

depend upon

等同于 concern

更多depend upon例句

  1. There is something to be said for my colleague Barry Svrluga’s notion that continuing to play the anthem nightly gives people the chance to stand with hand-on-heart or kneel, depending on how they feel.
  2. If your site depends on Google Images for traffic, you may have already noticed changes to your traffic back in November.
  3. Their survival depended on working together, and over many difficult hours, they took turns saving each other.
  4. It depends on the views, and where they are on the political scale.
  5. This pot may grow or shrink during the game depending on your ongoing wins or losses.
  6. All of these far future speculations, of course, depend on a series of “ifs.”
  7. Experts agree that much will depend on the measures undertaken both by the United States and Cuba.
  8. After all, smaller developing nations like Cameroon often depend on trade with and aid from the West.
  9. Attacks are underreported and surveys often depend on what questions were asked and who responded.
  10. Two-thirds of the 22 million people in West Africa depend on farming to live.
  11. This provided for, I will protect myself from future insult, depend upon it.
  12. Judge: Now, Sir, your punishment shall depend on the shortness and correctness of your answers.
  13. Write to me by all means whenever anything strikes you, and you may always depend on having my best advice.
  14. Social betterment must depend at every stage on the force of public spirit and public morality that inspires it.
  15. That must depend in every case upon the particular circumstances of the community concerned.